Monday, March 14, 2011

Community Gardens, 2 Options

We have a ward community garden and North Ogden has a city community garden. 
Ward Garden
The ward community garden is our front yard.  We have no plans on landscaping this wonderful, east facing yard for several years so it might as well be put to some use.  It has sprinklers and a water spigot for easy water access.  It is also on private property in a secluded neighborhood, which is nice.  The ward community garden has pleasant property owners that promise not to bug you while you garden.  You are welcome to make your garden plot as simple or as ornate as you want.  You can also have as much, or as little, space as you need – depending on how many families request a piece of the pie. 
Terms and conditions:  the only drawback is that you are responsible for digging up the dirt, or setting up your own raised garden bed and supplying your own dirt.

Call or type if you are interested:  Brenda at or 801-737-7339.

North Ogden City Garden
The city’s community garden is located on an empty lot behind the city office buildings at 2550 North 550 East.  The person in charge of that garden is Lori Frasier, 737-0587.  She is taking a list of interested citizens.  The city is planning on setting up 4’X4’ raised garden beds for individual families.  They are currently talking to local businesses hoping to get help with set-up.  It has water and has plenty of sun, even with the giant pine tree.


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